Duping the Too Faced Just Peachy Mattes Palette

With the weather turning nice, and no longer trying to kill us for the moment, peachy tones are in my future. I bought the Too Faced Just Peachy Mattes palette a while ago because it was on sale and I had been eyeing it for months. And guess what? I’ve rarely used it. It’s fine, the formula is good for me but the palette itself is just very ‘meh’.

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Hello Again

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? So much for my school-free summer where I was going to accomplish so much with this blog. While it was nice to not have the stress of school weighing down on me, it seemed as though my grip on my finances and my makeup stash went for a nosedive. Now, feel free not read this, it may get a little personal, but I think I need to take this time to whip myself back into shape. Literally and figuratively.

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Monday Mask: Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin Paper Mask

Another week, another mask. In this week’s episode, I finally try one of the Yes To… masks. I bought a few of them a few weeks ago when I saw them on sale at Shoppers and since I had a lovely blemish pop up a couple days ago, what better time to review a blemish fighting mask!

Continue reading “Monday Mask: Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin Paper Mask”

Inventory July 2018: Base Products

Welcome to my inventory, a super exclusive look at what’s in my drawers. I always love seeing what other people have in their collections and seeing where some people go ham for products and really cinch it up in others. I’m starting out with the basics, the base products like foundation, powder and concealer since they are all pretty close to one another in function. I’m not going to spend too much time talking about each product since a post like that would take forever to do and read but I will try and highlight some of my favourites.

Continue reading “Inventory July 2018: Base Products”

Empties: February-April 2018

Another empties post, but a bit different. Since I haven’t really been keeping track of this stuff, I am doing this in a more global way. Rather than going product by product I’m going by category, listing what I’ve finished in it and talking about the stuff I have strong feelings for.

Let’s get started!

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